Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Radio Mirchi clash of corporates-Business Quiz

Dear All,

The Indian Quizzing League (IQL) will be conducting the 'The Radio Mirchi Clash of Corporates'  in Chennai on the 18th and 19th of October.

This is a great chance for all of you living in the area to participate in a live quiz and also watch quite a few of the regular quizzards Sylvian,Karthik & Vinod in action.  All in all, it will be an enriching experience.

So don't miss the event.Participate and tickle your brains with the trio.
All the best to the TRIDEVs of quizzing blogosphere on behalf of all the participants of FUN-Facts UnknowN Contest.
Rock on...

For details refer to the original post from the IQL published below.

March Ahead Team
"The site that rewards quizzers daily for their efforts'

The Radio Mirchi clash of corporates has a variety of events catering with the motto "get back two days of your college life" - as part of the cultural events like dance, adzap, music, there would also be a Business Quiz open to all corporates...
  • Prelims would be on 18th Oct 2008 - 12.00 PM and the Finals would be on 19th Oct 2008 (10.00AM to 12.00PM). Date : 18th and 19th of October 2008...
  • Venue : Kalaivanar Arangam (opp Triplicane police station) Wallajah road, Triplicane, Chennai
  • Teams of 3 each.
  • After written prelims on saturday, six teams to take the finals on Sunday.
  • Quizmasters for the event: Vinod Hariharan, Sylvian Patrick and Karthik Narayan.

Thanks and regards,
Karthik Narayan
Ob Qns
1. What is the expansion of "CIPLA"?
2. Which Indian company's headquarters is Statesman House, Barakhamba Road (12 pillars), New Delhi?
1. Chemical, Industrial & Pharmaceutical Laboratories

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